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Patrick Sletvold

Written by Patrick Sletvold who … afshjjkfhkjhsfkj sfhskjf shjksh s skjfhsj k sdfsfdsf p.

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I know everyone is freaking out about this (and I still have half of the @HDMPod interview left), but so far @janetranter1 just casually mentions Lyra is 16 yrs in S3, like it’s a well known fact. Almost sounded like she’s 16 in the book too, not 13. Am I missing something here?

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@StApolloandCleo GIF is a terrible image format for modern day use. It’s very inefficient, and has very limited color palette. But since we named the concept of animated images on the web after it, it’s sadly a bit hard to change.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@StApolloandCleo I suspect I will need to listen to that interview asap. Moving it up in my queue now. Definitely not a big fan of Lyra being 16, but Dafne can’t play 13 forever either. So I trust they will manage to solve it in a way we can all mostly accept. (I just want to see the mulefa rly.)

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@StApolloandCleo I do really like that we get a taste of Lyra’s normal student life, similar to in Lyra’s Oxford, if only for a short while. And the way she and Pan just hides their problems in public is a really good way to show how people can struggle while seemingly doing fine in life.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

(Spoiler?!) Wow. I had entirely forgot how amazingly crazy the story Lyra tells in chapter 19 of The Amber Spyglass is. Living with wolves, family fortune, people from the moon and so on. Would indeed be a nice story to tell, if perhaps not entirely believable. #HisDarkMaterials

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@StApolloandCleo I had actually forgotten that, so much else happens! Lyra’s Oxford is an interesting book, really just dumps a lot of information at you, without lingering on anything long enough for you to think about it. But then again, maybe it is nothing more than it is. I like it though.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@StApolloandCleo Yet somehow Pan is the most rational, while not attempting to be just so, like Lyra does. Their conflict & estrangement lies like a shadow beneath the surface of TSC, and in many ways drives it forward. I don’t want Lyra and Pan to end up like John, the porter at Gabriel College!

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@PhilipPullman @StApolloandCleo @stuartfield2 Makes me think of the eternal question of how complex of a conversation you can have with your dæmon through thoughts alone. It is undeniably possible to communicate telepathically with one’s dæmon, but for an exam I would think you had to speak (which could become problematic).

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