Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold
@m1guelpf I appreciate you thinking about that. Being a student, I’m not personally in a position where I could easily justify paying for something like Auralite, even though I want to support your work.
Written by Patrick Sletvold who … afshjjkfhkjhsfkj sfhskjf shjksh s skjfhsj k sdfsfdsf p.
Written by Patrick Sletvold who … afshjjkfhkjhsfkj sfhskjf shjksh s skjfhsj k sdfsfdsf p.
@m1guelpf I appreciate you thinking about that. Being a student, I’m not personally in a position where I could easily justify paying for something like Auralite, even though I want to support your work.
@OoCPokemon @cherrubies I immediately recognize that route. Actually remember that line too. HG/SS is such a good game.
🙀 @NRKno er nede!! Hvordan skal jeg nå få nyheter fra statskanalen?! Neida, ikke noe problem. Men håper det går fort over, synes litt synd på systemansvarlig ellers.
@sesquiotic The Norwegian name for tardigrades is «bjørnedyr», literally «bear animal(s)». Maybe I should start calling them gummibjørnedyr.
@FreyaHolmer I use 2 spaces and have 2 pillows. But as long as the editor handles it for me, I don’t really care. Indentation width of 4 spaces is a waste of space though, at least on laptop screens.
Very interesting article about IE, Opera, the internet and web history from @jonsvt and @vivaldibrowser
Recently I’ve been playing There is no game: Wrong dimension by @DrawMeAPixel and, just like I expected based on the original, it’s amazing! There’s lots of puzzles, a nice backstory and allround fun. There’s even some great music in there. No game though, naturally.
For de fra andre kanter av landet er det altså snakk om Romerikes Blad. I teorien en regionavis, i praksis mest lokalavis for Lillestrøm.
Forstår ikke hvordan RB kan kalle det her for «viktige nyheter». Det er snakk om en LSK-spiller som har landet på Gardermoen. Selv om jeg hadde brydd meg om fotball, tviler jeg på at jeg hadde ansett dette som spesielt viktig.
@EmoQuartetHydra @dave_bryce @AOC Also, they can still create jobs and own big companies without having more money than they could ever use.