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Patrick Sletvold

Written by Patrick Sletvold who 
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@TheOwlLibrary @PhilipPullman Happiness in a story is a balance, though I think TSC did pretty well. I do *want* Lyra &co to be happy, but that doesn’t make it best story or the right solution. TSC doesn’t exactly have many bright spots that bode well for the future, but I did enjoy the philosophical elements

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@TheOwlLibrary @PhilipPullman That part of the book did little good to my mental state, but I’ve tried to not think about it after finishing it. Hoping that the solution in BoD3 will be at least a little satisfying. My hopes are only semi-high after the ending of TSC.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@TheOwlLibrary @PhilipPullman That scene was probably the catalyzer that ended with me reading a third of the book in two or three days. Really hoped for a quick solution, screaming sure doesn’t help their relationship. After that I gave up hope and enjoyed the rest of the book at a regular pace.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

@TheOwlLibrary They would probably find a way around it. Maybe the Magisterium could have pulled it out from her skin, or maybe it stopped working because she didn’t do the right witch magic stuff to keep it charged up. Definitely is one disadvantage to how they did the witches though.

Tweet by Patrick S. Sletvold

So apparently DNS queries are not working for me, so I can only use apps whose domains are in the cache. I thought I had configured the router to use @1111Resolver, but maybe not? DNS queries with no specified server fail, but and works.

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